Okay, with the proviso that Jane agrees, I accept. 好,如果简答应,我就接受。
On balance, the red-corner optimists have the better argument, albeit with a proviso. 总的来说,“红色”阵营的观点更有道理,是要加上一些条件。
What Germany wants, Germany gets, with one proviso: a new treaty must be ratified by all27 members of the club. 然而这一切都有一个前提:必须经过所有27个成员国的同意新条约方能生效。
The South Sea company won a monopoly on trade with South America in 1711 on the proviso that it assume the national debt caused by the war of Spanish Succession. 南海公司1711年赢得对南美贸易的垄断,附带条件是承担了西班牙王位继承战造成的国家债务。
The testing was set up with the proviso that it is only be done at medical facilities that offer counselling, including psychological support. 建立测试时做出了规定,这种检测只能在那些提供辅导服务,包括心理帮助的医疗机构进行。
I've agreed to do the work, with the proviso that I'll be paid before I do it. 我已经同意做那件工作,条件是先付工资然后做事。
They are so hectic they can't look after their other customers. And with that useful proviso, I would heartily recommend Paris's Chinatown. 他们生意太火,没办法招呼其他客人。带着这条有益的附加条款,我热情推荐巴黎的唐人街。
He accepted, with one proviso, ie on one condition. 他同意了,但有一个附带条件。
At last she consented, with the proviso that he should repay her as soon as he could. 最后她答应了,附带的条件是他应尽快还她钱。
Indeed, I grant this right to translate my letters into Chinese to anyone who wishes to do so, with the sole proviso that the translation be complete and accurate. 实际上,我给任何想译我的公开信为中文的人此项授权,条件是保证翻译全面准确。
We sign the contract with the proviso that the term can be discus again in six month's time. 我们正在签订的合同带有一个条件,即6个月后可以再讨论合同条款。
Although there are many scholars questioned the value of the proviso, including: it conflict with the concept of crime; it shock the legislative power; and the ambiguity of proviso led to guilty of impunity and expansion of the scope of penalties. 有众多学者对但书的价值提出了质疑,其中包括:对但书谦抑性价值的质疑;但书对立法权的冲击;模糊性导致有罪不罚或扩大处罚面等。
In recent years, along with the "criminal law amendment ( eight)" added the crime of dangerous driving, the regulation of the proviso was pushed into the teeth of the storm. 随着近几年《刑法修正案(八)》增设了危险驾驶罪,更是对但书这一规定推到了风口浪尖。